And I find it kinda funny I find it kinda sad The dreams in which I'm dying Are the best I've ever had |
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1.) first grade teacher's name: Ms Ang. 2.) last word you said: Weird. 3.) last song you sang: Shinedown's Burning Bright. 4.) last thing you laughed at: Dane Cook's video. 5.) last time you cried: 5 minutes ago. 6.) what color socks are you wearing: Not wearing socks. 7.) what's under your bed?: Two drawers filled with junk. 8.) what time did you wake up today: 11.15am. 9.) the last thing you wrote to someone: "That was the week Ryan was here." FUTURE: 1.) what is your career going to be: No idea. 2.) where are you going to live: No idea. 3.) how many kids do you want: Two, max. 4.) what kind of car will you drive: Monster truck. 5.) if you could live anywhere in the world, where: Anywhere with him. 1.) current hair: Long and wavy, with dark purple-red streaks 2.) current clothes: Nightdress. 3.) current jewelry: 3 rings, 3 earrings, a necklace that I never take off. 4.) current annoyance: Brother. 5.) current smell: *sniff* No idea. 6.) current longing: Ryan. 7.) current desktop picture: Metallica ninja star. 8.) current worry: Losing him. 9.) current hate: Work. 10.) current favorite article of clothing: My jeans. 11.) do you currently like someone: ..Yes. FAVORITES: 1.) favorite physical feature on a girl: Eyes. 2.) favorite physical feature on a guy: Eyes. 3.) one person you wish was here right now: Ryan. 4.) favorite author: Tom Clancy, R.A. Salvatore. 5.) favorite coffee: Starbucks Caramel Frappe. 6.) favorite smell: Elizabeth Arden Red Door Revealed. 7.) favorite way to waste time: Play computer games. 8.) favorite season: Autumn. 9.) favorite color: Black / Silver / Purple. 10.) favorite time of day: Night. FASHION: 1.) how many coats and jackets do you own: Four or five. 2.) do you wear a watch: Yes. 3.) favorite pants color: Black. 4.) most expensive item of clothing: Dorothy Perkins blouse. 5.) most treasured: A woolen vest. 6.) gold or silver: White gold. YOUR FRIENDS 1.) do your friends know you: Do they? 2.) what do they tend to be like: Bitchy? 3.) can you count on them: I guess. 4.) can they count on you: Most definitely. 5.) do you find it hard to trust people: Sometimes. LASTS: 1.) last book you read: My Daily Bread 2.) last movie you watched: Robin Hood: Men In Tights 3.) last movie you saw in theaters: White Chicks 4.) Last show you watched on tv: The news, 3 days ago 5.) last song you heard: Cradle of Filth - Nymphetamine 6.) last thing you had to drink: Water 7.) last thing you ate: Instant noodles 8.) last time you showered: 11:45am today. 9.) last time you smiled: Just. 10.) last person you hugged: Nick, a regular. 11.) last person you danced with: Ryan. 12.) last person you talked to online: Linus, Jane, Samantha (all at once) 13.) last person you talked to on the phone: My boss 14.) last thing you bought yourself: Sims 2 DVD Edition. DO YOU?: 1.) smoke: Yes. 2.) do drugs: No. 3.) drink: Yes. 4.) sleep with stuffed animals: Yes. 5.) have a dream that keeps coming back: Yes. 7.) believe there is life on other planets: No. 8.) read the newspaper: Occasionally. 9.) have any gay or lesbian friends: Yes. 10.) believe in miracles: Yes. 11.) consider police a friend or foe: Depends. FEELINGS: 1.) do you have any regrets: Yes. 2.) i am happiest when: I can see him again. 3.) i feel lonely: When I have over 150 people in my list but no one to talk to. 4.) what makes you mad: Arrogant pricks. THIS OR THAT: 1.) bath or shower: Bath. OTHER STUFF: 1.) what's the craziest thing you have ever done: Approach people for their numbers on behalf of my friends. 2.) any bad habits: I chew on my nails. 3.) any secret crushes: No. 4.) do you think too much: Yes. . // prawninator | 14:04 + ~ | |
To whoever you are, wherever you are, I love you. I probably don't know you yet, but when I do, I'll know, and so will you. And you'll love me for who I am, as will I. You might be living in my neighbourhood, or some other town or country far away. I don't know. And neither do you, at this point. Wherever you are, I know I'll find you... if you don't find me first. It's just a matter of time. . // links | misc + - poorgamergirl auction - email me - [shop] wear your dice - [shop] the poor gamer girl - idm website - idm forums - halloween photos The Poor Gamer Girl Fund :D We could use any help we can get, but you are not obliged to. :) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
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