And I find it kinda funny I find it kinda sad The dreams in which I'm dying Are the best I've ever had |
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HAH! Aaron lent me his copy of Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! for the Nintendo DS, while he plays Jump Superstar. I swear, ever since I saw that game, I've wanted to get my hands on it. BUT IT'S SOLD OUT EVERYWHERE IN SINGAPORE!! And I mean EVERYWHERE. Ouendan, I mean. I still can't complete some of the stages in hard mode. Makes me wonder how I'm ever going to get there should I buy the game for myself in the near (hopefully, VERY VERY near) future. It's driving me nuts, yet I can't stop playing it. I swear I wore out a few grooves in my screen already. I've gotten a few comments about my earrings while at work. One of my customers happened to be a PnP player in his own group, and told me that my earrings were the coolest thing he's seen in a while. My cheeks went red to that! Hehe. Matched my earrings at that point. Right now I wish I wasn't so sleepy. I could be playing EQ2 right now if it wasn't because I had to work full tomorrow (Saturday). That sucks, by the way, working full on a weekend, when everyone else and their brother-in-law is out shopping or chilling and stuff. But weekend or not, sometimes our customers have the shittiest attitudes ever. IT'S PEOPLE LIKE US/ME THAT YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO DO ON A WEEKEND, YOU PUNKS! We don't owe you a fucking livi-- maybe we do, but that doesn't give you the right to be a fucking asshole, dickwads! Bring your black faces and stinginess elsewhere. Like today, some ass of a customer came in with his family, all haughty and stuff and armed with a PLATINUM AMERICAN EXPRESS CARD, demanding LOYALTY discounts because they come what, once a MONTH?! When I remark that people have come in here EVERY OTHER DAY and don't get as much as they were getting. I even offered to give them some demo games and open betas, but he refused, saying that he was the father of his son and will not have RUBBISH installed on his computer. Oh, like the game he bought was any better. So fine, I joked and said that HE could play it instead, and he was all like, "Oh, no thanks. I'm not so childish as to play games." I swear I could have bashed his head in. I should have just thrown his fucking game at him, along with a plastic bag and told him to go fuck himself where the sun don't shine. The son was no better. "I don't come here once a month, MA. I come here TWICE a month." Oh sure, like that'd make him a more valuable customer. Besides, he comes, but he never buys ANYTHING. And he was all, "Daddy get this game for me!" and "Daddy I want this!" or "Daddy I need that expansion pack!" GOD. If my kid ever turns out to be like that, I'll slap him across the face and tell him to go WORK for his money first. Like the Chinese say, one should learn how to earn his money before learning how to spend it. I should stop ranting now. But really, people who think they are all high and mighty and put other people down should burn. Burn and die. No, burn, SUFFER, and then live disfigured. See how high you can put that long, snooty nose of yours. . // prawninator | 01:41 + ~ | |
To whoever you are, wherever you are, I love you. I probably don't know you yet, but when I do, I'll know, and so will you. And you'll love me for who I am, as will I. You might be living in my neighbourhood, or some other town or country far away. I don't know. And neither do you, at this point. Wherever you are, I know I'll find you... if you don't find me first. It's just a matter of time. . // links | misc + - poorgamergirl auction - email me - [shop] wear your dice - [shop] the poor gamer girl - idm website - idm forums - halloween photos The Poor Gamer Girl Fund :D We could use any help we can get, but you are not obliged to. :) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
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