And I find it kinda funny I find it kinda sad The dreams in which I'm dying Are the best I've ever had |
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It hailed a couple of days ago. I freaked out; it was the first time I've seen any form of precipitation like this other than rain! It wasn't spectacular, but it did make me go shutter nuts. Only problem is that I got lazy trying to upload the photographs and never really got around to doing it. Mom and Kai took some time off to go to KL. :D Another reason why I was lazy is because I got a little depressed. I found myself thinking about Richard, with this whole drama-mama shit. I mean, Richard was a close friend of mine. I don't know just how many times I've mentioned it before, but he was, and still is, the only person who understood me the best and could tell whenever I'm down, even though I'm not showing it. But I guess he'd want me to move on. No point mourning over someone that's been dead for two years now. Also because I'm pretty sure he wouldn't want me to. But hey, doesn't mean I can't think about him every now and then. I just miss him, y'know? I wonder how he's doing, or how his cousin's doing. Haven't spoken to him in ages. Time for me to catch up with some old friends. . // prawninator | 12:30 + ~ OMG! It's so cold that my breath turned into vapor when I stepped out of the house a couple of minutes ago. Yes, at 0600hrs. FREEEAKY. But fun! Never seen that happening before, considering the weather in Singapore, only on TV or in the movies. Whee! Maybe next time I'll be smarter and actually wear a jacket and warmer clothes, and proper shoes. My toes feel like they're gonna fall off. Oh, and from just random surfing. CLICK! . // prawninator | 00:43 + ~ Cold, cold Tucson - 03102006:1402 So I found out that my camera had been faulty because I dropped it. Well, I tripped over the dog this morning and dropped the camera again. It now works like a charm. If the lens can't retract again, all I have to do is give it a good bump on its butt and it'll work again! I am so very smarty. So with my newfound camera-ness, I have PICTURES! You'll get to see where I'm staying! ![]() This is the garage (back house as the Macholtz's [Chris' parents] call it) and as you can see, it's as dry as bone. Well... it *IS* a desert and they *ARE* having some sort of drought. It's not well ventilated nor is there insulation, so it gets really cold when it's cold, and really warm when it's hot. ![]() Step inside, and this is my room. Bed, laptop, leather jacket, couch, kitchen/bar/fridge/sink at the back. I now have a rice cooker and an electric wok to add to that area, too! YEAH! ![]() View of the room from the bar counter. ![]() This dog, Fenrir (we all call him Fenner) woke me up this morning with its scratching on my door and whining pathetically. After I yelled "FENNER!" out through the door, he hushed up and curled up by the side, as though keeping watch (we all know he's a silly dog, though) outside like a guard dog. Isn't he beautiful though? He bit me yesterday, so I'm still mad at him and won't take the toys he brings to me. Pfft. ![]() Yeah he came jumping at me as soon as I took this picture... ![]() And this is one of the reasons why I like Chris' parents so much. Darth Tater. Beside him stands Godzilla in Mardi Gras beads... but that's another story for another time. So now you guys know in what condition I live at the moment. It's not shabby, not perfect, but it's good enough for me! I love my personal little mess to be honest. Took a little walk today along 22nd Street East, and promptly got lost around trying to get to the zoo. That, and I worried that I hadn't latched the back gate properly before I left. Didn't want Fenner to go running around the neighborhood. It's cold out, though. About 17°C, I think? . // prawninator | 10:06 + ~ To: Bromm of the Keepers of The Keg Listen up. I do not care for your high-and-mighty, arrogant attitude towards other players, or towards me, in this case. Especially other warriors. Honestly, tagging something I was obviously going to take, and then gloating about it? It does not say much for your Epic-wearing self now does it? Don't know what I'm talking about? Me: "You didn't really have to be an asshole about it." You: "I MUST SLAY ALL THE UNDEAD!!" You: "THIS IS WORK FOR A REAL WARRIOR!!" You even used CAPS, my dear Alliance friend. Now listen up. Just because we don't spend our entire lives sitting in front of the computer going on raids and wasting away does not make us any less skilled than you are, assuming you are. I don't hate you. I'm just disappointed by your conduct. I couldn't care less how many epic items you have, or how you "pwn n00bz". By doing what you did, you are obviously putting other people down, which makes you less of a person than I thought you to be. And that was at zero, to start with. Is this how you want others to view KoTK as? A bunch of self-centered bullies who couldn't care less about anything or anyone other than themselves? I don't know, Bromm. You tell me. You may think I am overreacting. But I don't think so. You could have been less of a jackass to me, I'm sure. If that was the case I would have easily overlooked your outburst of arrogance. To tell you the truth, I have always thought that you lot weren't as bad as everyone says you are, considering I did not yet have any personal gripes or experiences with you. After all, if you lot are really that bad, you wouldn't be decked out in Tier 2's now, would you? You wouldn't be able to withstand each other's guts for long, I don't think. But after today, I can see why others see you the way they do. . // prawninator | 10:35 + ~ |
To whoever you are, wherever you are, I love you. I probably don't know you yet, but when I do, I'll know, and so will you. And you'll love me for who I am, as will I. You might be living in my neighbourhood, or some other town or country far away. I don't know. And neither do you, at this point. Wherever you are, I know I'll find you... if you don't find me first. It's just a matter of time. . // links | misc + - poorgamergirl auction - email me - [shop] wear your dice - [shop] the poor gamer girl - idm website - idm forums - halloween photos The Poor Gamer Girl Fund :D We could use any help we can get, but you are not obliged to. :) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
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