And I find it kinda funny I find it kinda sad The dreams in which I'm dying Are the best I've ever had |
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I guess I haven't been perfectly honest. It's happened for quite some time already, but I didn't know how to tell Ryan, seeing his previous reaction with someone we both know, in regards to the same situation. I honestly couldn't bring myself to tell him, fearing his reaction. Let's just say that I wouldn't want to incur his wrath. *wink* I never posted anything about it in regards to this before, because I wanted to tell him first. It's sorta like seeking approval, though people keep telling me that I don't need approval from him. But I still want his opinion, even if I might change my mind, he's still someone special to me, you know what I mean? Not romantically or anything, don't get me wrong. I'm actually very happy that I've long gotten over him and we're back to being friends again. Well, the big news is, I have gotten engaged. To Karl. I haven't told many people about him yet, though now I want to shout it from the mountaintops. To tell you the truth, he is the most amazing guy I have ever met. He doesn't have much, but honestly speaking, I really don't care. People who really know me know that I'm not as materialistic as most girls are anyway. But he.. he's really something. He treats me so well even though we both have nothing. I remember getting upset at Chris because he spitefully mentioned how much he spent on me, and that Karl could never afford to pamper me like he does. But it really does not matter to me all that much. See, it was never about the money in the first place. Sure, Chris did take me places, pay for this, pay for that (and my airfare), but when I'm with Karl, I feel safe and grounded, even if the financial future is a little bleak. It's the way we 'click'. I've honestly never felt as comfortable as I have with him. His little quirks, the things he leaves behind for me when he leaves for work (chocolate orange GO!) before I wake up, the way he smiles, his natural laughter. We talk about everything, and laugh at almost everything too. It's just so.. comfortable. We don't talk as much as we did when I was unemployed and could live life in his timezone, but he still makes the effort to call me at 1pm my time every afternoon to see how I'm doing at work, or just to tell me that he loves me. Likewise, I make the effort to call him before I go to bed, to tell him that I love him, and he even takes the initiative to ask me about my day, and he never feigns interest. It's these little two minute conversations that help keep us going each day, and I'm grateful that he understands the situation we are in. I feel that I have finally found the right one, and so does he. Growing old doesn't sound so scary anymore... because we'll be doing it together. /end corncheese . // prawninator | 01:18 + ~ Why do Americans like to emphasize some words so much? (I'm never watching another English dubbed anime again.. Eh? Déj? vu..?) I mean, shouldn't there be a limit for articulation? Take the Latin word "jubilate" for example. How would you pronounce it? I don't claim to know Latin, but I do know that their vowels are "pure" to a certain extent. Clean, crisp, clear and concise. Let's see... how do I explain this... Jubilate is pronounced: Yoo-Bee-Lah-Teh. Americans pronounce it: You-Bee-Lah-TAY, with emphasis on the T. Why!? Being in choral groups (that sing sacred music along with secular) since I was a little child, and having been trained by my pseudo-opera-singer dad, I've come to understand the subtlety of the Latin use of vowels and consonants. I was listening to a performance by a group of amateur choristers, and they were singing, "JubilaTay, jubilaTay day-ou" when it really should be "Jubilate, jubilate Deo (deh-o)". Consonants are gentle, and emphasis is placed where important. Overarticulation sounds extremely displeasing to the ear, which means that less than 20 seconds into that performance, I closed my music programme. Learning music and being acclimated to music so much has sharpened my senses regarding things like this, one of the reasons why I never watch Singapore Idol. Singaporeans are another one-kind bunch. Speaking with fake accents (mine's pretty authentic) on TV, cut-and-pasting successful shows and making one of your own (read: America's E! Entertainment vs. Singapore's Rated E). Stop reading from the goddamn script, you're supposed to be NATURAL. Isn't that what acting is supposed to be? Making it LOOK natural, unless specified otherwise? I feel disappointed. I think I'm having PMS. . // prawninator | 01:21 + ~ Dear All, With effect from Wednesday, 2nd August 2006, my doctor has put me on a strict ~2,200kcal (or less) DIEt. I never intended to go on a diet in the first place, but my weight has gone way past the acceptable-even-by-me line. Which means from the above stated date, I will be grossly malnutritioned compared to what I've been consuming over the course of the past three years. My goal is to get my weight down to at least something acceptable to me, not because I'm vain, but mostly because of my health. The doctor gave me eighteen years before complications will set in, and I don't want any of these complications to happen anytime soon. Therefore until I reach my goal, I would appreciate your kind co-operation in not asking me out for dinner, supper, or meals of any kind, as I would prefer direct control over my calorie intake. I apologize for any destroyed advanced-booked plans (I'm still up for Russel Peters though), but like my doctor said, it cannot be helped this time. Please, I've lost my determination several times before. I don't want it to happen again, so if you can help, morally or otherwise, I would be extremely grateful. Thank you, Perlin . // prawninator | 23:51 + ~ |
To whoever you are, wherever you are, I love you. I probably don't know you yet, but when I do, I'll know, and so will you. And you'll love me for who I am, as will I. You might be living in my neighbourhood, or some other town or country far away. I don't know. And neither do you, at this point. Wherever you are, I know I'll find you... if you don't find me first. It's just a matter of time. . // links | misc + - poorgamergirl auction - email me - [shop] wear your dice - [shop] the poor gamer girl - idm website - idm forums - halloween photos The Poor Gamer Girl Fund :D We could use any help we can get, but you are not obliged to. :) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
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