And I find it kinda funny I find it kinda sad The dreams in which I'm dying Are the best I've ever had |
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I promised, and I shall deliver.![]() Like the color combi? The rest of the photographs here. Or for those without a FaceBook account, you may click here instead. :) In other news, Aaron Foster is on his way from Vancouver WA, here! Karl and I drove seven hours (through Portland evening traffic no less!) to visit him last year when I was there, so this time it's his turn to drive seven hours to us! He should be here right before dinner... Hopefully he'll be here early as the front gates close in the evening... . // prawninator | 00:57 + ~ I'm a little upset. I was just reading through the wedding dinner guestbook and the cards I was given after the night was through, and I realized just how selfish some of the people who wrote in them are. I mean, just a little trivial matter shouldn't bother me, but this is important to me. You see... most of the entries are along the lines of, "Hey Perlin! Congrats!" or, "Babe! Have a good life in the US ya?" and stuff like that. Perlin this, Perlin that. Babe this, babe that. You know, that isn't a PERSONAL guestbook. What happened to Karl? He *IS* the one I'm marrying, you know. Some messages to him would be nice. It's mostly the younger guys I know, though... The rest remain painfully and obviously neutral. As though they didn't know what to say. Which I don't blame much. Karl was only here for a grand total of 10 days, February and May combined. But still, a little tact would have been nice. I mean, how am I supposed to keep the guestbook as a wedding gift now? And the greeting cards? It's more like "Perlin's Guestbook" with a nice red embossed fabric cover. ... at least Miko is dead. . // prawninator | 00:53 + ~ Yes, now you can do it too! Actually, I was laughing so hard when I read this that I was worried I'd wake the roommates. It doesn't really sound like Mandarin, more like Cantonese... but feel free to try it out! ;) LEARN CHINESE IN 5 MINUTES Say the words out loud. 1) That's not right : Sum Ting Wong 2) Are you harboring a fugitive? : Hu Yu Hai Ding 3) See me ASAP : Kum Hia Nao 4) Stupid Man : Dum Fuk 5) Small Horse : Tai Ni Po Ni 6) Did you go to the Beach? : Wai Yu So Tan 7) I bumped into a coffee table : Ai Bang Mai Fa Kin Ni 8) I think you need a face lift : Chin Tu Fat 9) It's very dark in here : Wao So Dim 10) I thought you were on a diet : Wai Yu Mun Ching 11) This is a tow away zone : No Pah King 12) Our meeting is next week : Wai Yu Kum Nao 13) Staying out of sight : Lei Ying Lo 14) He's cleaning his automobile : Wa Shing Ka 15) Your body odor is offensive : Yu Stin Ki Pu 16) Great : Fa Kin Su Pah . // prawninator | 00:55 + ~ Engineer: Area Denial Heavy Weapons Guy: Mow Down Sniper: Precision Elimination Spy: Uncloak & Dagger Scout: Rapid Recovery Demoman: House Cleaning Soldier: Shock & Awe (honorable mentions: Medic, Pyro) I finally got around to watching the trailers that Starfire linked to me so long ago for Team Fortress 2 (henceforth known as TF2). They look sooooooooooo good! I mean, breaking away from the "realistic anti-aliasing" and graphic design of say... Counter-Strike and Battlefield, they really went overboard and did one in a 60's/No One Lives Forever/The Incredibles cartoony kind of style. It's AWESOME! Back in Team Fortress Classic (henceforth known as TFC), I used to play as a Heavy Weapons Guy (or HWGirl as I call it) and I'd excel at it. Also known as the Heavy Weapons Piranha, I'd mow down anyone in my path, on land, or in water. So when I saw the trailer for TF2, I nearly cried out in joy. I LOVE THIS GUY! "CRY SOME MORE! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" It's great, really. I can't describe it in words. Besides the fact that I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay outdated with my information in regards to this. I was on a Steam / Half-Life 2 boycott because none of my computers can handle the pressure the game(s) demanded, so I shut myself out from the world of Steam. However, I now realize my folly. Please, partake in the joy with me. And now... presenting the HWG! By the way, watch his facial expressions... . // prawninator | 23:56 + ~ |
To whoever you are, wherever you are, I love you. I probably don't know you yet, but when I do, I'll know, and so will you. And you'll love me for who I am, as will I. You might be living in my neighbourhood, or some other town or country far away. I don't know. And neither do you, at this point. Wherever you are, I know I'll find you... if you don't find me first. It's just a matter of time. . // links | misc + - poorgamergirl auction - email me - [shop] wear your dice - [shop] the poor gamer girl - idm website - idm forums - halloween photos The Poor Gamer Girl Fund :D We could use any help we can get, but you are not obliged to. :) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
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