Engineer: Area Denial Heavy Weapons Guy: Mow Down Sniper: Precision Elimination Spy: Uncloak & Dagger Scout: Rapid Recovery Demoman: House Cleaning Soldier: Shock & Awe (honorable mentions: Medic, Pyro)
I finally got around to watching the trailers that Starfire linked to me so long ago for Team Fortress 2 (henceforth known as TF2). They look sooooooooooo good! I mean, breaking away from the "realistic anti-aliasing" and graphic design of say... Counter-Strike and Battlefield, they really went overboard and did one in a 60's/No One Lives Forever/The Incredibles cartoony kind of style.
Back in Team Fortress Classic (henceforth known as TFC), I used to play as a Heavy Weapons Guy (or HWGirl as I call it) and I'd excel at it. Also known as the Heavy Weapons Piranha, I'd mow down anyone in my path, on land, or in water. So when I saw the trailer for TF2, I nearly cried out in joy. I LOVE THIS GUY!
It's great, really. I can't describe it in words. Besides the fact that I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay outdated with my information in regards to this. I was on a Steam / Half-Life 2 boycott because none of my computers can handle the pressure the game(s) demanded, so I shut myself out from the world of Steam.
However, I now realize my folly.
Please, partake in the joy with me.
And now... presenting the HWG! By the way, watch his facial expressions...
To whoever you are, wherever you are, I love you. I probably don't know you yet, but when I do, I'll know, and so will you. And you'll love me for who I am, as will I.
You might be living in my neighbourhood, or some other town or country far away. I don't know. And neither do you, at this point.
Wherever you are, I know I'll find you... if you don't find me first.