And I find it kinda funny I find it kinda sad The dreams in which I'm dying Are the best I've ever had |
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There's something about snow that I just cannot describe. It's cold, gloomy, and rather depressing, but depression aside, it's also very peaceful. Where in Singapore it only rains and it's just cold and gloomy, the way snow falls is just so beautiful. However, growing up in Singapore and watching American TV, I didn't understand why it could be so sunny outside, yet people are bundled up in layers of coats, scarves and hats. Now I understand why, and I never leave the apartment without at least three or four layers of clothing. I probably need to buy some thermal underwear, but I guess that's a little late decision, considering I'm coming home on the 11th of February (and landing on the 13th, how nice). Until today though, I never really understood why some writers describe walking on snow with "snow crunching beneath my feet". Mal and Jess came home dusted with snow, telling me and Ry (who was watching Planet Terror, one of the best movies I've seen) that there's practically four inches of snow right now, outside. I hadn't left the apartment at all today, so I didn't know, though from my vantage point from the table where my laptop sits, I can see if it has melted away or not. I just wasn't paying attention. Where I saw patches of brown roof on the apartment building diagonally opposite us, it was now all covered in brilliant white. After Jess and Mal had retired to their room, I put on my jeans and bundled myself up warmly in several layers of clothing and strapped on my snow boots and exited the apartment for a while. First stop, the lake. I just had to. It's so beautifully blue in the summer, and so stark white in the winter. Apparently, the lake had frozen over, and Mal had walked out 20ft on it. I didn't quite do the same, though. I walked out to the jetty and cautiously stepped on the ice. Nothing says "CRUNCH" like cracking ice. Okay, it was more like "CRAAAACK", but I was being careful, and stumbled back onto the jetty. Fun times. My Djarum Vanilla tasted just like coffee in the cold air. Speaking of which, it's actually hard to breathe cold air. I've been told that it would be, I just didn't know how bad it could be. If I breathed at you, I'd probably look like an Ice-Dragon. Like Onyxia only... icy. Winter, the one season where people who don't smoke can pretend that they are. I took this video of falling snow a few weeks ago, when the apartment management had salted the roads, so the snow doesn't stay on it. I nearly slipped on slick ice on the road though, always had to grab a hold of Karl while we're walking. Funny thing though, my clogs work better on ice than my snow boots do. Though my snow boots are the warmest things ever on my feet. You can see the snow better when I'm pointing the camera at the road. Here are pictures I've taken of snow so far. ![]() Don't they look like little cupcakes? ![]() Walking to the Flying Pie from the apartment complex is easy. To navigate I mean, not to breathe. ![]() This was before the lake got frozen over. ![]() Frozen and Neglected. ![]() As I trudged through the snow... ![]() I approached a bridge. Just over that bridge... ![]() ... lay a road paved with silver. ![]() And I arrived at my destination victorious. Also, I actually had a Venti Toffee-Nut Frappucino from Starbucks sitting in my pocket. On a separate, more personal note; I have just recovered from the worst period of my life. And I thought periods like that were only brought upon you when you stop using the pills that were supposed to regulate it in the first place. Pain and suffering are understatements to what I've experienced. Ta-DAH, I've finally posted about snow. . // prawninator | 15:17 + ~ | |
To whoever you are, wherever you are, I love you. I probably don't know you yet, but when I do, I'll know, and so will you. And you'll love me for who I am, as will I. You might be living in my neighbourhood, or some other town or country far away. I don't know. And neither do you, at this point. Wherever you are, I know I'll find you... if you don't find me first. It's just a matter of time. . // links | misc + - poorgamergirl auction - email me - [shop] wear your dice - [shop] the poor gamer girl - idm website - idm forums - halloween photos The Poor Gamer Girl Fund :D We could use any help we can get, but you are not obliged to. :) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
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